There are a lot of comic books out there. Keeping up with all the major titles is definitely Not an easy task. But there is one book where the dudes who work at my comic shop put a copy behind the counter for me every single time. The series is called The unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and it is everything right now. You'll likely love it, especially if you loved Deadpool. Here's why. See also: Deadpool and Harley Quinn: The most perfect (and batsh*t crazy) couple The Squirrel Girl lore Here's a little background on this character. Squirrel Girl's name is Doreen Green. She's been on Marvel's "D-List" since she first appeared in 1992, even though she's defeated some of the biggest villains in Marvel lore she's defeated some of the biggest villains in Marvel lore, including Thanos. that's correct

— Thanos, the big bad guy that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been teasing audiences with for years via post-credit scenes. Squirrel Girl kicked His butt, and thoroughly earned that "unbeatable" title. She doesn't have strong, flashy powers. her most unusual skill is the ability to talk to squirrels, which usually amass an army to take down whoever she's fighting. She also has agility, enhanced strength, and good reflexes. Nothing really fancy. But it's not about what powers she has -– it's about how she uses them to her advantage. Squirrel Girl Old School Image: MARVEL COMICS part of what makes Doreen So lovable is the fact that she is an Avengers fangirl. In her first ever appearance, she tracks down Iron Man and tries to persuade him to let her be his sidekick. She's the kind of character a lot of comic readers can relate to, and many have embraced her for it. An unbeatable series In late 2014, Marvel gifted Squirrel Girl with her own run of comics written by Ryan North and drawn by Erica Henderson. In both series, Doreen is a freshman at a college in new York City, majoring in computer science. She and her squirrel friend, Tippy-Toe, fight classic but kind-of-niche villains like Kraven the Hunter. She also takes on Galactus, the planet-eater. The way she defeats these enemies is something to behold and should be commended. But more on that later. Doreen keeps up her fangirl nature in this series. She's consistently running into fellow heroes such as Iron Man and the Hulk, and she carries a collection of cards called "Deadpool's Guide to super Villains." These things are hysterical; they actually have little anecdotes from Deadpool himself concerning the character in question. It's also a really great way to inform readers about a classic villain they may not know about, so props to whoever came up with that device. SG Deadpool card IMAGE: MARVEL COMICS another comedic part of this book: the comments at the bottom of each page. These little footnotes break the fourth wall, and often make quips or pop culture references directly to the readers. So if you're a fan of Deadpool, you're probably going to dig this book, too. (Hey Marvel, that's a hint. Please make a Squirrel Girl movie or TV show or something. Kthanksbye.) Social importance In a world that is begging for more women in Stem, a comic book that is very much aimed at teenage girls and features a young woman studying computer science is simply awesome. Her best friend, a young black woman named Nancy Whitehead, is also studying computer science. Their entire multicultural friend group is made up of computer science majors. That's a major win for representation in comics. Squirrel Girl friends IMAGE: MARVEL COMICS The fact that she's a young woman is seen as an asset. She's still feminine and emotional, and is a super fangirl, but that's what makes her awesome. She isn't diminished because of it, as female characters in that age group sometimes are. The way Squirrel Girl goes about taking down her enemies is pretty notable. She doesn't have amazing powers that put her at an advantage, so she has to be incredibly intelligent when taking on people like Galactus or Thanos. In the past, she's relied on keen use of her limited powers and those she's going up against underestimating her, which tends to happen. But recently she's been going about it another way

— diplomacy. This girl literally talked down the mighty villain Galactus. She kept him from eating Earth by befriending him. She also found him a planet with no life on it that could sustain him for a while. It was a planet full of nuts. Naturally. Squirrel Girl Galactus IMAGE: MARVEL COMICS Doreen doesn't always resort to violence; she remains calm tries to find a solution to a problem before doing anything rash. This too seems like something we can all learn from. Squirrel Girl does not look like your average female super hero. She doesn't have long, flowing hair or a perfect figure. She even

stuffs her tail (yes, she has one of those) into her pants, giving her a donk even Kim Kardashian would envy. And she loves it. She embraces her squirrel-like teeth and all of her other so-called imperfections, and encourages those around her to love themselves as well. She is a beacon of body positivity and cheeriness She is a beacon of body positivity and cheeriness, and she's honestly someone I personally aspire to be more like. So if you're looking for a new book to pick up, definitely check out Squirrel Girl. Not only is she hilarious and kick-ass, but she just might teach you something, too.